When I was at university, a banner hung over my desk that read – “Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail”.Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 2.50.50 pm Screen Shot 2018-03-26 at 2.51.10 pm

It has echoed in my head ever since, and is my biggest tip to feeling your best during your crazy busy life – Prepare, prepare and then prepare some more!

Feeling your best (being content) is largely about being able to live your daily life in the moment, knowing confidently that prepared for the day ahead. The secret is to be prepared, but not scheduled – you still need to allow for, you know, life!

Imagine waking up, knowing you have prepared your day, your time and what you need to get done for the day. You know what clothes to wear, you know who needs a lunch box, what you are packing for snacks, what you are making for dinner and when you need to start doing that. Imagine if you had a list to remind you of the errands you needed to get done. Imagine if you could just relax and ENJOY the morning with you family, knowing you where well equipped to take on the day! I know things happen during the day that we don’t expect, the always do… but these things (flat tyres, sick children, wet beds, lost keys etc) wont rattle you as much if you are well prepared.

It is a lifestyle, a way of life and takes some work, but once you are in the swing of it, you will wonder how you ever lived any other way!

So how we get started:

1. Reduce the clutter – start with your Wardrobe. Think about yourself, and everyone in the house having a small, capsule wardrobe with seasonal pieces. All the items in the wardrobe fit, all the items are ones you like, suit your style, and go together effortlessly… Getting dressed in the morning instantly becomes a lot less stressful!

2. Buy a notebook. A good old fashioned note book! Forget apps, and notes on your phone, you need a note book, or paper note book, that will fit in your handbag. Three things will happen in that note pad:
3. Every night, before bed, write out what needs to be done the next day (pick up dry cleaning, take someone to training, appointments etc).
4. A running shopping list.
5. Your weekly meal plan.
Cross things off as they are completed / bought. Once you get in the swing of things, you will wonder how you lived without it!

6. Plan meals and snacks. We teach people to do this for health reasons, but it is also a great way to relieve stress! You will use your note book for this and it is so easy – I start with Mon to Fri listed down the left hand side and then plan the evening meals and lunches. An example might be: Monday night we have roast chicken and salad, and Tuesday lunch is Roast chicken an salad rolls, Tuesday dinner a veggie frittata and Wed lunch left over veggie frittata on toast … etc etc.

7. Arrange grocery delivery, OR schedule time to go to the supermarket. Actually schedule it! NOTHING is more stressful than the 4 pm dash to the supermarket because you haven’t a) planned a meal or b) got any food in the house! And who wants to go to the supermarket every day anyway?!

8. Have a ‘spot’ for bags – Handbags, gymbags, baby bag, school bags etc. Have a designated bag dumping zone! The BEST place is a laundry bench if you have space. The other big tip here is to unpack, sort and repack as soon as you get home… this is when you know you are a prepared person!