I began writing this article with all the “realities” of being a stay at home mum in mind. All the truths that I’m sure we all share. And then I deleted it all and started again. Why?
Because I choose to be a stay at home mum. No-one forces me to stay home. My husband doesn’t lock me up and throw away the key. In reality he actually works harder so that we can afford for me to stay home. I choose to spend my time with these little people. Every day. Every minute of every day.
And I am grateful for that.
I’m there to watch them master a new skill.
I’m there to support them overcome a fear.
I’m there to gaze at them bonding as siblings.
I’m there to kiss away every bruise and heal every fall.
I’m there for every laugh.
I’m there to document every milestone.
I’m there for every moment.
Yes it’s hard and challenging and tiring as hell but it’s what I chose to do. It won’t last forever, but it is a stage in my life that I am adjusting to. Some days are harder than others. But most days my heart explodes from the overwhelming love I have for these little creatures.

So everyday when the going gets tough and I’m losing my mind (usually at around 5pm) I will reflect on the positive moments we shared that day. I will cherish every minute (literally) we spent together. Every new thing we learnt and achieved. Because at the end of it all, we will never have this exact day again. Tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow will bring different experiences and different challenges.
And the truth is, they really do grow too quickly. So enjoy the moments, even the difficult ones, as they too shall pass.
“Any day spent with you is my favourite day. So tomorrow will be my new favourite day” -Piglet
Sending you love,