Frazzled, frustrated and fed up.
It seems to be the new normal for many working women and Mumpreneurs these days, as 1 in 3 women start and grow their own businesses to cultivate a life of increased freedom and flexibility.
The catch 22 is, we’re working towards burn out as opposed to balance, as we still try to manage it all.
The truth is, enabling your day to flow the way you want it to is easier than you think with a few simple tools and tricks.
Oh…and the desire to actually create change. If you don’t have that, than this article isn’t for you #sorrynotsorry
So, if you genuinely want to take back control of your day and come out of it with your heart and head feeling good, then read on for three simple tips to introduce radical change:
Tip 1: Set Your Intention For The Day
When that annoying alarm goes off, instead of getting cranky and frustrated that you have to get out of bed again and repeat yesterday’s monotonous routine, just take a minute to think about HOW you want to spend your day.
How do you want your day to feel? How do you want to behave? How do you want to engage with others?
Setting an intention for the day ahead let’s yourself and the Universe know that you’re taking charge and you intend to start as you wish to finish.
Of course, you don’t have 100% control over the contents of your day, but you can choose how you react to it, so before you step a foot out of bed, make a clear and heart-driven intention to set the tone for the day.
Tip 2: Focus On The Must-Do’s Not The Nice To-Do’s
As someone with three boys, an online business, magazine, house and hubby I can tell you now my day is pretty packed. But I’ve come to learn that there are two different lists that take space in my head and designer day planner.
The first one is the Must-Dos. You know all those deadlines and appointments you actually MUST keep. Write everything down that is a non-negotiable and definitely requires your attention.
I would even challenge you to take it a step further and schedule those tasks throughout your week to break it down in to more manageable time frames.

Spend a few minutes to plan the week ahead, schedule the big priorities in to your calendar and give yourself permission to space it out. This way you know it will get done and you take the urgency out of it and the pressure off your shoulders.
Everything else is on your second list.
The Nice To-Do list is the one that has all the lovely feel-good things on it that you know you have to do at some stage but it doesn’t need your attention right now. They aren’t urgent.
Think: Calling your Mother-In-Law to update her on the grandkids or meeting your former colleague for coffee.
If you have one combined list of everything you need to achieve, it will inevitably grow very long and you’ll be left feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and ridiculously busy. That’s a recipe for disaster!
Busy is not beautiful.
So I recommend keeping two lists and action the Nice To-Dos when you genuinely have the space, time and energy to do so.
Tip 3. Identify The Time Wasters
If all else fails, and you genuinely feel like your day is out of control, take a step back and identify how you spend your time.
Are you doing everything when you really don’t need to? Where could you outsource tasks, delegate more responsibility or ask for help?
Instead of white knuckling all the details in your personal and professional life, think about ways to make your life easier. Hire a cleaner if you need to. Appoint a VA to answer emails or schedule appointments. Even if it’s only an hour or two a week, that time could free you up to focus on other more important things or simple allow you to breathe.
It’ll also help you feel like you’re moving forward instead of living a Groundhog Day type of existence.
Taking back control of your day is possible with the right mindset and systems in place. You don’t have to do the same thing everyday if it’s not working just because ‘that’s the way it’s always been done.’
Ask yourself, how would a QUEEN manage her day? No, I don’t recommend you hire 100 staff, just take small steps in the right direction and you’ll feel like the Queen you already are.
Sian Yewdall is the Founder of The Woman Rising Network an online networking and mentoring platform for women in business to learn and grow from where they are. She is also the Founder & Editor-In-Chief of Woman Rising, a quarterly digital and print magazine which celebrates female entrepreneurs in regional Australia. She lives in Townsville, North Queensland with her man and their three boys. Learn more at