A beautiful & inspiring girlfriend casually mentioned “C MONTH” as, ironically, we sipped one of the CONTRABAND items for the month – CHAMPAGNE around Easter time.
Only Elka could make a list like this sound appealing – for 28 days, there’s no:
1. Coffee – I do enjoy one coffee a day but every couple of months I remove it entirely for a week or so. As a result, over 10 days in & I haven’t had a headache. I have wanted a coffee, but not craved it.

2. Cheese – Easter may as well have been re-named Cheester for me – I ate my body weight in it the weekend before the challenge started. I know my body is better without cheese in it but will power goes out the window when cheese arrives on the table.
3. Carbs after 5pm – Hi I’m Alice & I’m a carboholic. Pre-challenge I was having sushi once a week, sweet potato or pumpkin most nights. I would never limit my intake of quinoa / millet / rice / root veggies / rice noodles. For me, this is the area that’s pushed me the most to be more creative with my meals.
4. Champagne – this one isn’t difficult for me. A good quality wine is accepted on the challenge but I am going to see if I can be rose-free for a full 28 days.
5. Chocolate – I don’t eat commercial chocolate but often make my own at home – if you’re interested do a little search on my website for a couple of recipes. No cacao in the house = no chocolate being made.
6. Crap (including chips) – I do love a corn chip every so often (there has been a bag of them staring at me from my pantry since the challenge commenced), & when I am out, I am prone to ordering a massive bowl of sweet potato wedges. To myself. It has also made me double check ingredients on food I regularly buy.
Then she slipped in the big one – 500 crunches (or similar exercises) per day. Although I have only reached 500 twice in 10 days. I have done a minimum 200 every day. The only exception was the “chunder days” which were a totally unexpected C in the challenge (but well played by the bug who got us good). So could you do this? Totally. Should you do it? Sometimes it’s a beautiful thing to be pushed outside your COMFORT ZONE (who knew so many words started with c?!).
Alice can found at @alicegruzman and @6cleaningredients and keep an eye out for some great “C” food choices coming your way soon from this incredible woman.