Time is a funny thing.
We spend our “time” wishing for more time, wanting to freeze time or hoping for it to speed up.
The other night I experienced all these three things in a matter of minutes. I had just put the baby to sleep and was putting the toddler to bed. The house was a mess, I had emails to send but I was also exhausted.
“I wish I had a few more hours to get everything done”, I thought, as I mentally went through my list. But my thoughts were interrupted; “Mum hug me!” Gosh I love you. I wish you would stay this little and adorable forever.
45 min later…
For crying out loud child would you just hurry up and sleep already I’ve sung that song 26 million times and I have no time for this!
There are so many moments I wish I could freeze or bottle up and replay over and over, instead of turning them into memories.
There are also moments that I wish would hurry up, (I can’t wait till you can smile/crawl/walk/talk etc OR I can’t wait for bed time or that family holiday)
One thing I’ve definitely realised though is that a moment in time changes everything.
31/03/2014 11:22pm
27/10/2015 11:33pm
My life changed.
These were the moments in time where I realised that nothing will ever be the same again.
These were the moments that divided my life into two parts;
BEFORE motherhood and AFTER motherhood.
Time changed my life and it would never be the same again.
From those moments forward, I would constantly be battling with not having enough time, wishing time away and wanting to freeze time. But that’s okay, because time is the greatest gift. Everyday we are given “time” to achieve new goals, set new boundaries, break the rules, and experience life! Some days are beyond amazing and we cherish them forever, where as others become distant memories we are glad to lose sight of.
The best thing about it all however, is that time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters.
Bedtime hugs and 45 minutes of the same song matter.
The dishes don’t.
Either does the email.
But the kids do.
That’s what they will remember.
That’s what I want them to bottle up and cherish.
Therefore that’s how I choose to spend my time.
Sending you love,