I always dreamt of being a young mum, a mother with lots of children sitting around the dinner table making noise and creating what I call, beautiful mayhem.
I remember in year 9 sitting on the school netball court telling my group of friends that I wanted just this. I have watched my mum love us unconditionally and champion each one of us in the same way with the gifts and talents we had. My dad has been supportive, encouraging and always a beacon of truth even at times when I don’t want to hear it.
Bringing our 3 children into the world has been one of my greatest achievements. We all know the tiredness cannot be compared with anything. You know it is the torture they use in the army to prepare the men and women for the big battles ahead.
I cry when I am overtired, and I taught myself to never make big important decisions when I am hormonal (that time of month). I prayed the day I first went into labour that I would always make WISE decisions when I was exhausted and I still remind myself of this.
We will never figure out the whole ‘perfect mother balance.” I find it a tough word to use. What I do know is, we do the best we can, with what we have.
Attitude is everything. Being happy and choosing happiness no matter what is a game changer.
The sun will rise the next morning. Your babies will smile the next morning, and they will forget about the long night or the discipline you gave them for being rude. They will crave to see you and their daddy in the morning, and they will want to be fed and still have boundless energy.
We no longer need an alarm clock…we have them.
A mother sets the tone of her house. I have this quote stuck up on my bathroom door to remind me that I am the CEO of the household and how I wake up determines the happiness and attitudes for our little members in the house.
Children are a sponge so as you start your day no matter how long the night has been, smile! You’re alive and so are your children to teach you something new, to challenge you, to grow your capacity and to stretch your imagination. And whilst that clock ticks ever so slowly (oh some days, my goodness, I wonder if it goes backwards) remember that the day we have today we will never get again.
Keep being the best mum.