JANUARY – I’ve been flying under the radar and it’s been so much fun. No routine, inconsistent with social media and no plans to kick into full gear by February.

We normally start off firing on all fronts. Women in particular feel obliged to have to catch up with friends we feel we have not seen in a while and tick off the agendas we may not have completed in the year before.
You run on pure adrenalin and when February starts and pre/school kicks off for parents tell me if your cup is not full, what can be poured from an empty one?

Don’t feel the need or the pressure to make every day of your remaining holidays ones that need to be churned with obligatory catchups and running errands. Make the most of having your children home and work out what it is that is IMPORTANT for YOU before you listen to the hearts of others.


What will be different for you this year? Are you in the right head space? Have you had enough time for YOURSELF? Many women say they never do, so make January the month where you can enjoy your own company (with the aid of husband, family) so there is no excuse throughout the year.
Don’t start your sentences with “busy” already, eliminate that word from you vocabulary and be full of energy ready to start strong.

Make your cup overfill, rested, relaxed, refreshed, so you start 2018 strong and have the endurance to finish the year ahead and when you pour, you’ll pour well and have plenty for second offerings.

It’s so simple but I know someone is nodding their head right now.