What does this do to the body? An increased consumption of processed foods means the nutrition equation is out of whack, giving us all sorts of deficiencies, which can have a serious impact on our mental and physical health. Irregular meals and too much sugar play havoc on our blood sugar levels, which contributes to low moods, irritability and fatigue.

On the flip side, eating a wide range of wholefoods (grains, seeds, veggies, fruit, nuts, eggs and proteins), provides you with an abundance of fibre, protein, vitamins and healthy fats. All of these make you feel fuller for longer, will ensure a slower release of energy and contain more goodies to control moods.

H2O that is! Dehydration symptoms include reduced mental functioning, irritability and loss of concentration. Coffee and some teas are diuretics and the caffeine can cause further stress on the body, increase blood pressure, anxiety and sleep issues. Caffeine and dairy can also block some nutrients from being absorbed. Limit your intake while increasing water consumption. Similarly, alcohol has a depressant effect on the body, so balance out those beverages with aqua.

Eating a rainbow of food is the easiest way to ensure you are on target to getting as many nutrients as possible. Aim to include proteins with every meal to ensure a continuous supply of the amino acid, tryptophan, to the brain which research has indicated can influence mood.


Finding all the required nutrients in a day can be difficult, so I always make sure to have a good multi-vitamin almost as an insurance policy. And, if you’re finding it tricky to actually prepare meals (my hand is up here at the moment), there a bunch of awesome food delivery companies out there at the moment who can deliver groceries with recipe cards to your very door step (I love Pepper Leaf) or even pre-prepared fresh meals ready to go.

Anything that makes our lives easier in times of stress or too much hustle gets my tick of approval!