
My parents taught me the miracle of the human body, the value of a belief and the power in loving others. My mother gave me motherly wisdom, my father…to be a good person with a strong heart.

Before having children, I left my legal career and was head deep in my studies of Naturopathy. 2012, my 2nd year of college, my whole life changed. I lost my father 2 weeks before my wedding. A tough time, yet full of joy of the greatest kind.


We fell pregnant quickly just as I had always envisioned.

Our child was born suddenly, 2 months premature. Just like that I was a mother.

In my greatest hour I was strong, fearless and invincible. Love held a new meaning. I fell deep.

After all, we had gone through my purpose quickly and came to love my child and be all I could be for her.

2 years on we had our second child and I was a proud fulltime stay at home mother.

I am a determined and optimistic person who loves to get things done and I dedicated everything to my children. I love to multi task and achieve the best out of every situation. I didn’t see that I was often leaving myself last.

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3 months into my second child being born, I could not deny this longing. I felt lost. I wanted to FEEL strong and fit again. I wanted to look and FEEL beautiful again. I wanted to use my brain. How could that fierce faithful person, feel so lost? I yearned to master my mind.

I went back to basics. My love for food, health and the body.

I have always enjoyed a daily walk and even more so with kids. But I needed to step it up. I discovered high intensity home workouts. 20 mins per day, 3 times a week. With every day, I was transformed.

I lost weight, I gained mental clarity, I was happier. I ate well and the better I felt, the better my food choices became. I could make my life better now, prevent disease and promote health for family and friends. Instagram organically grew as my space to share, discuss and inspire others. It transformed my mind and sense of value. If you can change one thing and you apply love to all you do, you cannot fail.

By Jessica Kounnafis 2016