It is no secret that becoming a mother changes your life. It is the most selfless job. One that requires you to constantly put someone else’s needs above your own. However, on most occasions, the rewards outweigh the challenges, and you find yourself experiencing a love like no other.

If I could share my parenting journey, and speak to every mother in the world, I would tell them three things.

Firstly, smile, nod and do whatever you were planning on doing anyway.

Secondly, raise a child who fits into your life. Don’t change your life to “fit” your child.

Lastly, every child is different.


Now, let me explain:

1: You will find that every one is a parenting expert when you have kids. (Where were they all hiding previously?). People won’t be shy to tell you what you’re doing wrong or offer you some very rude “opinions.” All you have to do is smile, nod and continue to do whatever you normally do. YOU are the mother of your child. Only YOU know what’s best for them.

Trust yourself.

2: Raising kids is hard work and inevitably changes your life. Find a way to make it work for you. If you’re a social person, raise your baby to sleep with noise around them. You enjoy going out? Then don’t limit yourself to a 6pm bedtime routine. From birth, introduce your baby to the life YOU live. They are adaptable creatures. Don’t underestimate their abilities or your own.

Trust yourself.

3: Every child is different, therefore, it doesn’t matter how many books you read, classes you attend or people you ask. Some kids wont follow the “rules”. It has nothing to do with your abilities as a mother.

Trust yourself.


There will be many days where you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. These days will pass. But no matter what, don’t ever doubt yourself. You’re doing an amazing job!

Sending you love,