Women’s bodies are remarkable. The miracle that is growing life, is an ability that only we are gifted with. With that gift comes a multitude of hormonal and physical changes over our lifespan that allow our bodies to be miraculous. And yet, for some reason, our culture struggles to embrace these differences. So this is a short biology lesson that I hope will help you to LOVE the skin you are in.

1: There is no single one size fits all body shape that we should be. Each of us is unique and different. Our bodies have had different experiences at different times and every body shape is beautiful.

2: Your body shape is not a result of what you eat or how much you move. That is SECONDARY. Genetics is the main reason your body is yours and unlike anyone else’s. Your body shape is first and foremost, to do with your bone structure. That’s why some of us have big hips and others small.

3: Then, genetics plays a role in how and where we deposit fat.


After all of that, our body shape is influenced by the way that we use it. How active are you? Do you eat regularly? Do you fuel yourself with nourishing foods? And even then, if two women ate identical diets those two women would still not have identical bodies, because of genetics. Not good genetics or bad genetics, just genetics – the recipe book that is you.

The next time you find yourself looking in the mirror, unhappy with what you see, think of all the remarkable things your body has done. Then nourish your body…with healthy food, with movement, with joy, because it is your body and it is perfect the way it is.